Our Coastsnap Sites

There are currently 27 CoastSnap locations within the East Riding of Yorkshire, with more in the pipeline.

Bempton to Sewerby

A trail of 12 CoastSnap sites starts at Bempton RSPB Cliffs and circles Flamborough Head to Sewerby Hall. Take a CoastSnap at each of the 12 locations, or cherry-pick individual sites using the Grid Reference locations listed for each:

RSPB Bempton Cliffs #bemptonpuffin Grid Reference: 54.147248,-0.163881

Thornwick Bay, Flamborough #thornwickprimrose Grid Reference: 54.133234,-0.122076

Flamborough North Landing Cliff #flamboroughchalk Grid Reference: 54.130458,-0.10739

Flamborough North Landing Cove #flamboroughcove Grid Reference: 54.129433,-0.103936

Selwicks Bay, Flamborough #selwicksbaygorse Grid Reference: 54.119704,-0.08423

Flamborough Drinking Dinosaur #flamboroughtrex Grid Reference: 54.115311,-0.07678

Flamborough Sculptures (South Landing) #flamboroughseal Grid Reference: 54.104935,-0.115411

Flamborough Clifftop Walk (South Landing) #flamboroughlifeboat Grid Reference: 54.10445,-0.118584

Danes Dyke Beacon Hill (North) #beaconhillwhale Grid Reference: 54.104611,-0.128564

Danes Dyke #danesdykefinch Grid Reference: 54.104584,-0.141349

Danes Dyke South #danesdykepeacock Grid Reference: 54.104126,-0.143097

Sewerby Hall #sewerby ahoy / #sewerbydolphin Grid Reference: 54.100488,-0.161217

From our Bempton Cliffs post, you can view the famous chalk cliffs which are home to numerous seabird colonies
The chalk cliffs of the Bempton Reserve are an ideal habitat for a huge range of seabirds. However, their chalk composition makes them extremely susceptible to coastal erosion.

Bempton coastsnap


The coastline around Flamborough Head is a mixture of rugged white cliffs, with multiple coves and beaches formed as the sea has eroded the chalk cliffs. Under the waves, the area supports such a huge variety of life in the undersea kelp forests and chalk reefs.

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Spurn Point

Spurn Point is a constantly moving peninsula – a narrow spit of land which forms a tidal island. It curves out from the mainland for three miles between the North Sea and the Humber Estuary. The landscape is unique and ever-changing, at the mercy of tides and storms.

Coastsnap Hull Spotteron Spurn luke thornton 2L oTA phA unsplash hires HD cover

 Discover the 6 photo posts installed along Spurn Point from Kilnsea to Spurn Lighthouse and marvel at the sandy spit of land protruding into the Humber Estuary. Take a CoastSnap at each location and help us gather data on this ever-changing coastline.

Kilnsea #spurnbinoculars Grid Reference: 53.620243,0.14138

Spurn Windfarm View #spurnwindmill Grid Reference: 53.611807,0.144334

Spurn Washover #spurndunlin Grid Reference: 53.598062,0.14447

Spurn Oysters #spurnoysters Grid Reference: 53.593966,0.140426

Spurn Ravernser Odd #spurnseaholly Grid Reference: 53.581218,0.120529

Spurn Lighthouse  #spurnlighthouse Grid Reference: 53.578738,0.118578



Take your CoastSnap at each of the 4 photo posts installed along Withernsea’s seafront and help record changes to this stretch of coastline, known for being one of the fastest eroding in Europe.

Withernsea Spotteron Coastsnap


Withernsea North #withernseadragonfly Grid Reference: 53.737616,0.027284

Withernsea Pier #withernseapier Grid Reference: 53.730716,0.035763

Withernsea Lifeboat #withernsealifeboat Grid Reference: 53.726135,0.041006

Withernsea Rocks #withernsearocks Grid Reference: 53.722146,0.043969


Hornsea to Mappleton

Take your CoastSnap at each of the 4 photo posts installed along Hornsea’s seafront, ending at Mappleton and help record changes to this stretch of coastline, known for being one of the fastest eroding in Europe. Mappleton was formerly a Ministry of Defence bombing range and old armaments are often revealed as the cliffs erode.

 Mappleton Beach East Yorkshire

(Photo: Paul Lakin, License: CC3.0 Unported)

Hornsea North #hornseakittiwake Grid Reference: 53.919321,-0.163255

Hornsea Marine Flower #hornseamarineflower / #hornseasamphire Grid Reference: 53.91668,-0.161607

Hornsea South #hornsearazorbill Grid Reference: 53.906385,-0.157028

Mappleton #walkingtonpost / #mappletonfossil Grid Reference: 53.875903,-0.133814



  • We have reached 80,000 CoastSnaps! Thank you to everyone for your ongoing participation in helping to track changing coastlines!

  • Welcome to the new CostSnap Citizen Science project website! Check out our new CoastSnap app! We have partnered with CitizenScience company SPOTTERON to bring you a new and exciting way to monitor coastline change around the world